Welcome to the second of my blogs- still on the subject of one woman's view of life and things in general.
I recently watched a programme on the television about an obese woman who had gastric surgery (most of her stomach was removed) and then cosmetic surgery to remove all the excess skin. To say that it was both fascinating and horrifying at the same time seems such a contradiction, but it was such a sad story and I guess that many of us could easily be in that position.
I have no intention of getting into the debate of why people are obese, but I suspect that people's eating habits, fuelled by enthusiastic advertising by companies with a vested interest in making money, has a lot to do with it.
Just tell me why all the food that is really yummy is crammed full of fat and sugar? Why does the jam doughnut that is so scrumptious go straight to my hips? Tell me exactly what it is that makes it taste so good and leaves me wanting more.
I woke up in the middle of the night suffering from insomnia and I pondered this question: why do things that say "new improved recipe" usually taste worse? And what about "45% less saturated fat but same great taste"? It is my humble opinion that most of the food that has been "doctored" to satisfy the government guidelines taste not quite so good as before. One exception to this rule is digestive biscuits. (You must understand that I am not in the habit of eating biscuits; but this was in the interest of science!) This well known maker boldly declared that these biscuits had less fat than previously, so I bought some to test the theory. They taste better! I couldn't believe it; in my past life (as overweight and unhappy) I have happily munched my way through a packet of digestives and washed them down with copious amounts of water as they tended to be a little salty and more than a little dry. This new refined packet looked just the same but the taste was so much better! Gone was the salt that I considered unnecessary for such a lovely biscuit and they are no longer as dry as cardboard! In fact they taste so nice now that I am (almost) sorely tempted to buy another packet and enjoy the experience again!
Of course, waking up in the night lets my mind wander and flit from one subject to another, and usually the best of my creative thinking is done whilst I am trying to get back to sleep. Alas, the thoughts that I had in the dead of night have disappeared back into a corner of my brain, never to reappear except as that niggling feeling that it was a good idea! To write it down would be sensible, but then whoever said that I was sensible? And would you want to wake up completely if you were trying desperately to get back to sleep?
Having insomnia put all my plans in the waste bin. Being very virtuous, and by discovering that I actually had a free day I decided last night that I would go along to the gym this morning. After the gym I would pick up the new light bulb that I desperately needed and then once back home I would be able to get on with the rest of my day. Instead, I woke late after turning off the alarm at 4.00am and then walked into town, a little after ten, deciding to give the gym a miss. I knew exactly what I wanted and knew where I was going, so why is it that I spent some half an hour chatting to some woman who I have never met before and thus ended up being home in time for a late lunch when it was supposed to be a quick shopping expedition?
I love talking to people, and often wonder why some are happy to tell their life story to a complete stranger. It is certainly easier to talk to someone who you don't know; you walk away from the situation and the chances are that you never see them again. But why me? I really don't mind, but what have I got that gets me caught up in another person's angst? Do I have a sign tattooed on my forehead that says "compassionate"-or is it "idiot"? The woman that I met this morning was charming and articulate and such a lovely lady that I had trouble disengaging myself from her, but I hope that I gave her a few ideas to combat the loneliness that I suspect that she suffers from.
Yesterday I had the most amazing session with my personal trainer. He had been on a course and was all excited about it, so I let him demonstrate the new technique on me. Was it something that I could incorporate into my exercise regime-well if you know how to use dynamic neuromuscular stabilisation in my gym training then I would say yes! It really is a subject that is more interesting than it sounds and I now know a lot more about baby movements and how they are suppressed as we grow up. In fact I am even allowing my trainer to use me as a guinea pig so that he can practise. How kind am I?! Method in my madness though, because it means that I learn a lot at the same time, and I find anatomy exciting. Does anyone else like browsing through Gray's Book of Anatomy? I just love that book and the drawings are sublime....surely I can't be the only one?
Hey! Just look at the time! Thanks for reading this second round of my blog and I hope you enjoyed the meanderings of my chaotic mind. Please feel free to leave a comment and don't forget that you can discover more about me on my website http://www.lifechangesandyou.co.uk/
Catch up with you again soon.
Susan :)
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