Saturday, 13 November 2010


Pondering on life, as you do, I sometimes wonder why we do things.  Why do we let things slide and ignore the consequences rather than stand up for what we believe in?  Why do we make fools of ourselves in matters of the heart and then have to suffer the pain of rejection when we have given our all?  Why do we eat chocolate and cakes, knowing that they go straight to our hips, bypassing our stomachs on the way? Why? Why? Why?  A very good question!

Would we all be terribly boring and alike if we ate the same, healthy, food; never letting the calorific nightmare of doughnuts pass our lips?  Would we be stereotypical  in our behaviours and never know how to trust and learn what it is like to fall out of love if we all had the same sense of righteousness and "first do no harm" mentality?  Would we be a better country if we all stood up to the injustices, the wrongs of the world and the moral decline of our country rather than let "someone else do it"?  I guess that the answer to all of these questions would be both a rallying yes and a resounding no!

We would have much unemployment if we all gave up the rather tasty, highly fattening things in life (much like everyone stopping smoking all at the same time-what would happen to the masses who rely on the industry for employment?) and companies who have devoted their lives to making ours miserable (albeit in a tasty way!) would scream and shout from the rooftops that it is a conspiracy!  Likewise, with people all being extremely nice to each other,  we would never know how to get along with a fellow being who is different to us.  In this Utopian society we would never have any "bad" and would all be "good" and thus everyone would live in a state of  bliss.  We would not have any injustice so would not need to stand up for the wronged, the used or the down trodden.  But is this living?

The answer, I guess, is no.  We must be on this earth for a purpose, otherwise life would definitely be the Utopia that we would all like.  If we only know good, we have no chance of learning about bad.  We have no ability to grow in our choices, in our thought processes and in our lives.  We would just "Be".  And if we are here only to wander along doing everything right, what exactly is the point of our existence?

My strong religious belief tells me the answers, but I have to look at it from the other side too, to be objective and to ponder on these searching questions. And I still wonder why we do so many things in life that hurt us, or other people.  Why can't we be nice and caring; give a helping held to those in need and generally be good?  Is it too much to ask of some of us?

If we all changed a little bit for the better, wouldn't it be wonderful?  I don't think that I will see in my lifetime a world that is cigarette free, a place where no one knowingly hurts another, and a country that stands up for what is right rather than pandering to the many that suggest that it is wrong to have a moral stance.

But maybe, by wondering about why we do things I need to look deeper into myself and ask the questions to me!  Do I need to change my life to say that it can be done, it should be done and that I must stand up and be counted?  I think I need to stop pondering about why we do things in life, and just get up and do something good!  Will it achieve anything?  Yes.  Will it change the world?  No.  But if by example we can change one other person , and that person can change one other person, eventually it will be the domino effect and who knows; I might be able to do things that I have never done before and stand for good rather than the rather non committal "don't know" that I am now. 

Would anyone like to join me?

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