Today should be a good day. It is Monday and as such I should be ready and willing to leap into the week with a glad heart and a smile on my face. And I am! Not withstanding that I forgot to set the alarm this morning; I am happy to be here and doing my own thing.
I try to be positive every day; I have to say try, simply because it is so much easier to be miserable. It takes less effort to be down in the dumps rather than up with the clouds. I could be really down and stay in bed all day; so to get up and do things is always the best way to be.
I live on my own and am self employed with my own business that is run from home. Because of this, I can please myself to a certain extent whether I sit down for hours on the computer, bashing out the next best selling non fiction book in the world, or do something completely mind boggling like the housework. This morning I chose to be versatle and multi talented by doing some housework and then concentrating on my book. The book is my second one; the first is at the publishers awaiting the response saying it is brilliant and they will be very happy to publish it for me. They could, of course, respond with a negative comment that spirals me downward into a morass of self loathing and pity, but I have a healthy dose of optimism that, should they ever dare to say that my writings are not good enough, I will just laugh at their loss and try somewhere else.
Can you believe how positive I am being? No. Neither can I! I wasn't always like this you see; for years I was happy in my own little depressing and miserable world, existing instead of living, working in a job that offered no hope, and being my own worst enemy. I endured it (or do I mean enjoyed it? Now that's another story all in itself!) for so long that I thought I would never escape the clutches of some insidious creature that lived in my brain and told me all sorts of nasty stories. But in true fairy tale fashion, along came a knight in shining armour and saved me from a fate of chocolate, more chocolate and even more chocolate.
Life was given back to me in the shape of, not a husband (I haven't been that lucky as yet, although I did try marriage once- it gave me terrible indigestion so I had to give him up!) but a personal trainer. My salvation came in the form of Rob, my very own holistic lifestyle coach. If anyone is to blame for my total transformation from fat, frumpy and getting on a bit (you think I am telling you my age? ) to not quite femme fatale, but feeling much better about myself and more confident, outgoing, happy, and glad to be alive, then Rob is the person you need to thank. Conversely, for those of you who know me and think that he should be clapped in irons, I will give you his name and where he works for a fee. (I have to make some money somehow....)
So there you have it; a small snapshot of some of my life and if you like this (actually even if you don't like it, I am doing this for creative and therapeutic reasons!) I shall write more about my view of life and things in general, from time to time, as and when I have the odd couple of hours to spare to share some rather mundane or maybe some quite hilarious opinions and anaecdotes with you.
My view of life (hence the title) is sometimes a little skewed and so I am sure that you will wait with baited breath for the next instalment . Well even if you don't, I hope that you will read the next post with the right mixture of acceptance and joviality that this poor woman will entertain you.
If you like this blog, then please leave a nice comment. I know this isn't very long, but I would prefer you to be waiting for more, not bored to tears! Maybe you would like to have a look at my business website too.
Call in again soon, but not too soon, and see what else I have to say about life and things in general.....
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