Let me tell you that if it doesn't warm up soon I will turn into a permanent icicle! I cannot believe that I have been so cold for so long. I naturally go into hibernation as soon as autumn starts to appear, and then I am done until spring. This year, the same as every other year, I started my countdown in February and despite the colder weather at the beginning of March, I knew that it would warm up pretty quickly. Well, that's what I kept telling myself. Everyday I would think, "This is the day that spring will start" and everyday I was disappointed. We are now one week into April and maybe, just maybe, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I don't want to say anything out loud, just in case it puts the mockers on it, but this morning it didn't feel quite so cold as of late. In fact I will be so brazen as to say that I have seen a few more daffodils, and a couple of flowering cherry trees that are struggling into blossom. Maybe I can begin to assume that the weather is finally warming. The downside to all of this is of course that the spring flowers will be incredibly late and only last for a few days rather than the couple of months that are usually ablaze with dancing daffodils and jiggling blossom. Although I have said that it feels a tad warmer today, you would never believe it when looking out the window. The sky is cloudy; not great big white fluffy clouds, but an overcast greyish colour that threatens I know not what. It really could go either way and rain (a good sign inasmuch as it must be warmer to rain?) or snow (in which case it has to get warmer than the freezing temperatures that we have had to endure to allow it to snow). Either way, the prospect for today is not entirely comforting.
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This is what spring should look like. |
I must just tell you how completely chuffed I am that I have managed to find a picture or two and put them on here! I'm so excited!! Thanks to Alan, a friend and a new blogger (www.breakingrods.blogspot.com) who told me how to do it. I know that several people have told me in the past, but my memory being what it is, I have always forgotten by the time I have wanted to use it. Let's see if I can either put some more pictures on here or, more to the point, remember how to do it next time.... And have you noticed that I have put a link to Alan's blog? I think I may be getting a little too big for my boots. :) The actual truth of the matter regarding photo's is that I don't have any, so if I want a picture of something I have to look one up, but now that I know that I can do it - and captions too, aren't I a clever girl? - there may well be no stopping me!
Still, to continue, enough of this miserable, down in the dumps stuff, and onto something more cheerful. After an Easter where, yet again, I have had to provide my own chocolate (a collective aah from you all please), I looked forward to the next best thing on my list. Twice a year my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, holds a conference in Salt Lake, Utah, which is broadcast via satellite to the world.
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Salt Lake Conference Centre |
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The Prophet, Thomas S Monson |
It happened over this last weekend, and it meant that on Sunday I could have a lie in. (The male members had no such luck as they had a broadcast meeting at the normal time - and I really shouldn't laugh....). Some of the sessions broadcast are recorded (and I can't stay up late watching them live as I really do need my beauty sleep) so that they can be seen at a reasonable time . This year I chose to go to the chapel to watch the sessions because the streaming on my computer is not very good and because when I am at home I do not always give the broadcasts my full attention. So off to the chapel I wandered (to those in the know, I thought this was a fun play on words) with a best friend in tow ( to make sure that I went as I can talk myself out of anything) and we sat and listened to two hours of speakers and music for three sessions (one on Saturday night and two on Sunday). I am glad I went as I feel that there is something special about sitting in a chapel and listening to my church leaders. It also meant that I got a free lunch on Sunday too, which can't be bad!
Why is it that some days I can go without a phone call or contact at all and then the next I am rushed off my feet with people all wanting to talk to me? Today has been one of those days when I have had to make calls, received calls, skyped with a friend as well as writing this and all before lunch. I wish I could say that I am a multi-tasker, but sadly it would be totally untrue. I do think that I need to go and lie down in a darkened room but I have suddenly realised that I was supposed to email something days ago and I have just remembered it. Luckily for me it is not important. Note to self - stick up a post-it so that I remember to do it next.....
I think I need to go attack something else, like lunch, and maybe put up another post quite soon as I seem to still have a lot to say.
But I will leave you with one of my all time favourite quotes, which I have to admit has a belief inspired theme, but I am going to share it anyway. People often read something into quotes to fill the void, or their situation so I make no apologies for using it here.
Have a great time doing whatever and wherever you are at.
"We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see." Boyd K Packer
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