Have you ever wondered why things happen in the way that they do? Not like Ockhams Razor (the idea that of all the different theories for something, the simplest is usually the best), but all those seemingly inconsequential things that just make our lives that little bit more intolerable. Let me give you an example here - why does everyone seem to be walking in the opposite direction to me when I am trying to get somewhere? Is this a law of nature that I know nothing about? Or perhaps it is a conspiracy in order to keep me from reaching my destination in a timely manner and not look as though I have just survived a scrum in the High Street? Would it work, I wonder, if people were obliged to walk always to the left of a pavement? Maybe it could be like the underground with up and down escalators; the mind really does boggle with all the implications etc., but I sometimes think that life would be easier if it was more structured. The only trouble with structure is that it can take the fun and spontaneity out of life - but hey we can't have it all.....
Why does it rain on the one day that I have forgotten my umbrella? I am "she who is prepared for everything", and my brolly is usually my constant companion so it is irritating, to say the least, when I get wet because of some quirk of coincidence. Talk about Murphy's Law! And who on earth was Murphy? And is it just a coincidence or are there higher forces at work here? I actually heard a lovely quote once (unfortunately I have no idea who said it) - "There is no such thing as coincidence, only God working anonymously"; the only trouble is that I am not sure if that makes my conjecture in this instance right or wrong!
The next question in this "why is it...?" blog is a subject that I absolutely hate, but in the spirit of science and knowledge, I feel that I must ask. Why does it seem that all spiders run straight for you rather than away from you when you scream the house down in terror and panic? Even just writing about them brings me out in a cold sweat, but I can just about deal with the teeny weeniest of the species if I am in dire straits. It has been known that I have called upon someone to find the incumbent that has taken refuge in the curtains or under the chair. And did you know that of the aforementioned species, most of them have four pairs of eyes? You would think that with all that many eyes they would want to run away from you rather than towards you and be in grave danger of being beaten to death with a shoe! (No pun intended there!) Sadly I have to confess to killing all that invade my territory, but in my defence I have conkers down in many corners to alleviate this necessity - and it has worked quite nicely in the most part. The other question here is why do the television companies when talking about phobias always show some huge great big hairy (I can't write the word down because it makes me feel sick!) you know what? I know that people have other phobias and some I laugh at, but really? I am sure that it must be getting boring by now to always have the same pictures. I need to change topic pronto as I am beginning to be stressed!
Why is it that I always wake up around the time my alarm clock should go off, even when I haven't set it? I actually know the answer to this one (circadian rhythms) but it doesn't make it any better and still annoys the heck out of me!
Can someone please tell me why new shoe laces never seem to stay done up? There I am, walking happily along the road when suddenly I trip over my own laces. Is this some plot to try and kill me, because it is certainly working! And have you ever tried to re-tie the laces when there is nothing high to rest your foot upon and you have your hands full with bags of grocery shopping? Surely the manufacturers must know that whatever shiny stuff they put on the laces will make them come undone until prolonged wear finally prevents it? I now have to double knot my laces on my trainers - and then spend ages trying to get them undone. How totally contrary is that?
That's all for now. I could probably think of loads more things that make me sit and ponder, but for the moment my mind has gone blank. Sadly that seems to be more and more of a usual occurrence. A bit like, "why is it I go out into the kitchen for something and completely forget what I have gone in there for?"....... Please let me know some of your "Why is it ...." moments so that I can feel unity with my fellow man and woman, instead of thinking that I am the only one who ever does this!
Until next time.
Susan :)
P.S. A thought to tide you over. Tough things in life are only tough if you let them be. :)
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