Tuesday, 12 June 2012


At last, and as promised, a blog on POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE or PMA for short.  I guess the first question that everyone should be asking themselves is, "Have I actually got it or not?" 

I suspect that for many of us we chug along quite happily being positive to a degree - the difference between having PMA all the time and not is most likely a small gap in some, and a huge chasm in others.  Even those that have PMA in abundance will sometimes hit a bad patch, and that is perfectly normal.  The secret is on how long it takes them to recover. If you recognise that whatever you are going through is just a blip, then it lightens the load. It is perfectbly acceptable to say that you are allowed to be miserable for five minutes or even the whole day. Quite often in those cases, once you have established that you are allowing yourself time for misery or anger, then the "mood" (for want of a better word) soon evaporates and you are back to your smiling, jolly self. People that are negative tend to get stuck in the rut and find it difficult to climb back up, and thus you start a circle that is difficult to break.  Please do not confuse clinical depression  with the feelings that most have when they say they are depressed; some people have to take medication for the illness that can be crippling but is unseen.

So, do you have enough positivity to let you sail through life, or do you struggle to see the good in anything?  Lets find out.....  Do you wake up grumpy (and no, I am not talking about your partner here!) and remain like that for the rest of the day? Do you think "Oh no, not raining again!" when you are just about to go out? Are you bored sitting through a lesson/seminar/sermon?    If you have answered "yes" to any of the above, my bet is that you are a glass half empty type of person, rather than a glass half full.  But never fear, because there are myriads (well certainly more than one!) of things that you can do to help yourself and feel more in control of your life, and I will share some of them here.

Do you love yourself?  Only some can say that they do.  Most will offer up an excuse of not liking their body as the main reason for not loving themselves as they should. Some have past traumas and some are so lacking in self esteem that they cannot possibly love themselves.  Before you can have a PMA you have to learn to love yourself; this might sound all too much for some, but with practise and belief, you can learn the skills required.

Affirmations are the easiest thing in the world to do, take up less than five minutes of your time twice or three times a day and yet are the things that people have problems with.  An affirmation is just a statement of fact that you repeat to yourself in front of a mirror, e.g. "I love myself", "I am beautiful", "I am successful ".

The secret to being positive is in how you say something. Notice that in all of the examples, none say, "I can..."; "I can learn to love myself", "I can become beautiful", "I can be successful".  "Can" is simply not in the programme;  it is like saying to yourself that it will "Maybe happen", or "Perhaps in the future". You have to be very assertive with yourself and make positive statements rather than ones that are a bit "wishy-washy".

Once you have learnt to love yourself, the rest follows on gradually and you soon see that you are turning from "doom and gloom" to "hope and light" (the almost exact opposite of doom and gloom in case you are wondering).  When it is raining, embrace the fact the gardens need water; when the bottom drops out of your world, accept the moment and know that it will not last; when you wake up feeling miserable, consider the things to be grateful for.

Does anyone know the song, "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"?  I have to confess that I detest the song, but the words are absolutely right!

For those lacking PMA because of trauma (perceived or otherwise), I feel that I should ask you to consider getting help. Help is not for the faint hearted. It takes courage to loose the demons and it can be very painful.  But it is worth the angst to discover the real you that has always been struggling to get out.

I am publishing a book on the subject of Positive Mental Attitude and another on the subject of obesity if anyone is interested; I can create a list for those wishing to purchase.  My intention is for them to be published as e-books (and fairly cheap into the bargain) but I need to do some research first into the best way to accomplish this; so if any of you out there know how to do it, then please enlighten me!.

If you want to find out a little bit more, or how I can personally help you, then please feel free to have a look at my business website www.lifechangesandyou.co.uk

Hope this helps; remember that attitude is merely a state of mind - and the mind can be changed.

Take care for now.

Susan xx

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