I love Eeyore, and every week in my local supermarket I have walked past the shelf full of Disney mugs, looking at one in particular and wishing that I could have it. A beautiful pink going on lilac background and a head shot of a traditionally blue Eeyore on the front and "Oh bother...." on the back. But I have never bought it until now. The price for this wonderful mug is four pounds and fifty pence (when I first fell in love it was only four pounds) and I have never been able to justify the expense. Besides, I don't drink anything hot, so I really have no reason to buy it. But every week I have looked to make sure that at least one Eeyore is still there, trapped between an exuberant Tigger and a portly Pooh (on a couple of occasions I have even seen little Piglet). The other day I went in and discovered to my absolute joy that all the mugs had been reduced to half price! Not one to miss an opportunity or a bargain, I foraged around the back of the shelf and found my Eeyore, looking forlornly out; how could I not buy him and take him home with me? Now he sits proudly on my bookcase (as one does when one doesn't have a job to do).
Why do I love Eeyore so much? Well, you see, I was very much like Eeyore. For years I lived in a fog of mood swings and a glass half empty mentality. I really couldn't see the good in anything - including myself. I didn't want to be like Tigger, all bouncy, bouncy, Eeyore fitted my mood so very nicely. But oh my! How times have changed! I am no longer the glass half empty girl; I fit much more nicely into the optimistic and happy scenario, not quite Tigger, but certainly no longer Eeyore. No matter that I cannot relate to him on a personal level anymore; I just love him for being a wonderful character and something that I adore. I am still not sure what I am going to be doing with the mug though!
Do any of you go to the gym? I try to go on a regular basis (having paid for the privilege, I think it would be wrong of me not to use it as often as I can) but don't always manage it, but it never ceases to amaze me at the diverse client base. First off there is me; I know what I am doing but don't want to look stupid in front of others that I assume know much more. How daft is that? But I do my best and try and hide round the corner when doing some weighted work, then slope off to the bike, the cross trainer or the treadmill. I know all about the theory of mundane work not really achieving anything much, but I am happy; not to mention that it is increasing my stamina (which I have to say is sadly lacking in my case!) and toning at the same time, so it can't be all bad. Next comes the committed girls and boys, men and women. They are all rippling muscle or toned to perfection.They cast casual looks around to see who is watching them show off their physiques and you quickly look away, pretending you haven't noticed them. Next is the guy with arm muscles that would give Popeye a run for his money but doesn't seem to want to do anything about his legs - so they look like what I call "sparrow legs"! Totally out of proportion, but who am I to judge? After these come the men (I don't want to make assumptions here, but it is usually the men) that have no idea how to use the equipment safely and properly so that they don't do themselves a nasty injury. I know that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but when I see men straining to pull weights and have their legs and feet facing opposite directions, not to mention that their back doesn't seem to be in correct alignment, then I do fear for their well being. And don't let me get started on the attire that some of the women wear. Oh alright then, now that you have twisted my arm! I was always under the impression that you went to a gym to work out, not to have a fashion show, however I am obviously mistaken on that one. Tee shirts with the latest designs, off the shoulder ones and lovely flowing creations that would be more suitable for a trip into town; and then they wear their full make up to go with it! If I did that I would have panda eyes and streaky face (not that I wear make up you understand, but if I did.... ). I guess that the gym is the newest "in place" to be; as for me I would rather still be in bed!
Do any of you go to the gym? I try to go on a regular basis (having paid for the privilege, I think it would be wrong of me not to use it as often as I can) but don't always manage it, but it never ceases to amaze me at the diverse client base. First off there is me; I know what I am doing but don't want to look stupid in front of others that I assume know much more. How daft is that? But I do my best and try and hide round the corner when doing some weighted work, then slope off to the bike, the cross trainer or the treadmill. I know all about the theory of mundane work not really achieving anything much, but I am happy; not to mention that it is increasing my stamina (which I have to say is sadly lacking in my case!) and toning at the same time, so it can't be all bad. Next comes the committed girls and boys, men and women. They are all rippling muscle or toned to perfection.They cast casual looks around to see who is watching them show off their physiques and you quickly look away, pretending you haven't noticed them. Next is the guy with arm muscles that would give Popeye a run for his money but doesn't seem to want to do anything about his legs - so they look like what I call "sparrow legs"! Totally out of proportion, but who am I to judge? After these come the men (I don't want to make assumptions here, but it is usually the men) that have no idea how to use the equipment safely and properly so that they don't do themselves a nasty injury. I know that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but when I see men straining to pull weights and have their legs and feet facing opposite directions, not to mention that their back doesn't seem to be in correct alignment, then I do fear for their well being. And don't let me get started on the attire that some of the women wear. Oh alright then, now that you have twisted my arm! I was always under the impression that you went to a gym to work out, not to have a fashion show, however I am obviously mistaken on that one. Tee shirts with the latest designs, off the shoulder ones and lovely flowing creations that would be more suitable for a trip into town; and then they wear their full make up to go with it! If I did that I would have panda eyes and streaky face (not that I wear make up you understand, but if I did.... ). I guess that the gym is the newest "in place" to be; as for me I would rather still be in bed!
This last month has seen me start my family history, and what a jolly jaunt it is too! I have come to a grinding halt after just one generation on one line; discovered that my middle name (which I refuse to reveal as I hate it!) goes back at least three generations and that it costs an arm and a leg to order any certificate from the General Register Office! I would not have done any of this on my own, but luckily for me I have a very good friend who is a genealogy buff and she is helping me in a big way. When I first started and couldn't get any further than a grandparent, I got fed up and impatient with the whole idea of family history. My friend took on the job of taking it further and she came back a couple of weeks later with another line that goes back another two generations. When I looked at some of the information that she had discovered I was full of enthusiasm again. Hopefully I can maintain the momentum and carry on and see where the history takes me; thus far I have only found farm labourers and milk boys, I am really hoping for at least a royal line or maybe an explorer who has a gold mine somewhere in some exotic land! The good thing nowadays is that a lot of the information from parish and census records are all on the Internet and therefore more readily accessible. It certainly opens up family history to the masses. I still have so much more to do, but I am beginning to find it - dare I say - enjoyable. Long may it continue!
I must go now as my tummy is telling me it is time for lunch! Please feel free to post a comment or become a follower (thanks for those who did just that last month), and I look forward to catching up with you all again in September.
Susan...you make me smile :)