Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Sleeping on the floor - healthy or not.

Can you believe that I have been writing these blogs for a while now and have only just realised that the posts look better with  central alignment rather than the very boring justified that I have been using?  Still you live and learn and I might be a bit slow in all the computer wizardry and stuff but I get there in the end.  So my thanks at this point must go to my friend Michelle who has a lovely family blog which suddenly made me realise that her script looked much nicer than mine.  And have you noticed a different font too?  By my next post I will have forgotten what font it is, but hey, what does it really matter?   .
The reason for this blog is that I promised in my last post that I would write about why I am sleeping on the floor.  So, if you are sitting comfortably, I will begin.

I, along with my sisters, have the unenviable task of selling my late parents home.  This house is in a prime location, has off street parking (although a bone of contention as the road that is used to access the rear of the property is privately owned and the solicitors say that the use of the road cannot be guaranteed even though people - including our father - have used the road for decades without any problem) and is in a really friendly street. The property is, what they call in the trade, a "doer upper" and is priced sensibly to reflect the work that needs to be done.  It has been on the market for four or five months now ( the exact time is a bit of a blur) and at the time of writing, has still not been sold.  Fortunately the estate agents are the ones doing all the showing around of the house.  I know that when I sold my house I didn't want people looking disparagingly at my home, so we have left it all to them.
You might be thinking at this point "What on earth has this got to do with Susan sleeping on the floor?"; well, for many years I slept on the floor because it gave me a bigger living space.  At that time I was house sharing and my only privacy was the bedroom and as I didn't like the idea of anyone coming to see me there, I changed it into a living room.  This worked well and when I finally managed to move into my own flat, it was semi furnished and came with a bed sitting room.  I was right back to square one!  I talked the landlord into removing the bed and giving me a sofa bed instead, but even that was much too big for my small living area.  In the end he took that away too.  This sounds like I am a very contrary sort of person, but I am talking about years here - condensed for the purpose of the tale.  So I was back to sleeping on the floor. 

My personal trainer (back in the day when I could justifiably approve of the expense) nearly had a hissy fit when he discovered I slept on the floor.  I really didn't understand his angst -  you never have any problem with saggy mattresses or broken springs; it is allegedly good for the back; and you don't have to worry about sheets - fitted or otherwise.  As with anything, there is always a downside to this.  The first thing to say is that when you start to  sleep on something hard and unmovable you get pressure sores.  These are so painful when you lay down that you begin to wonder if it is such a good idea. However, being an old hand at this game, I knew that if I just persevered for a while, then all would be well - and it was.  Having said that, it really did hurt for three or four days!  The other disadvantage of sleeping on the floor is the insects and other creatures with more than two legs (just can't bring myself to say that dreaded "s....." word) don't have so far to climb to come and get you.  I think I have been incredibly lucky in that I have only had one nasty incident; the rest have been things that I have found when putting the bedding away and I live by the adage of what I don't know about can't hurt me!

So, to get back to the whole point of this blog post - the reason why I am sleeping on the floor is simply because I threw the old sofa bed out!  See, I could have put that in one line but it wouldn't have been half so interesting would it?

Going back to my trainer; he offered me his sofa bed that he and his wife were going to get rid off. It had been in the baby's bedroom and used when they had company to stay, but it was in excellent condition, they didn't want any money for it and he delivered it for me as well. That can't be bad can it, and I also got to sleep about four inches off of the floor and with a nice comfy base too.

Of course, all good things come to an end and the sofa bed was meant to be an occasional one rather than for everyday use, so after about three years (and right up to the present day give or take a week or two or three....), it had served its purpose with honour - apart from getting very thin in places and making the settee part quite uncomfortable to sit on.  I was thinking about getting rid of it when I receive some money from the estate, but having decided that I really needed to dispose of some electrical stuff and another piece of furniture that had seen better days, I arranged for someone to come and take that lot, plus the sofa bed over to the tip for me.  This has now left me with waiting rather longer than I intended for a new sofa bed as the house is still up for sale after a buyer pulled out at the eleventh hour. What was going to be short term has now turned into something else; and one really can't invite people round if they haven't got anywhere to sit, uncomfortable or not.  But looking on the bright side, my room looks massive now!  A slight over statement there as something that is only twelve foot square is hardly big, but I certainly have more room to walk in; and it makes the vacuuming easier on those rare occasions that I do it.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (just like to cover all bases here), the reasoning behind why I sleep on the floor.  Is it good for me?  Put it this way - it hasn't done me any harm although I would love to swing myself over the edge of a bed and have more leverage to stand up, but that is just a minor detail.  A plus point is that you can fall out of bed but where can you possibly go whilst on the floor?  As an aside here, I did think (only for a couple of seconds mind you) of getting one of those captains bed thingys.  You know - the one that has the bunk bed on the top and a sofa on the bottom?  The reason I so easily dismissed the idea is simply that I am scared of falling out of a top bunk! A totally irrational fear I am sure, as I have never heard of anyone falling out of a top bunk, unless of course they are at sea in a storm, and I am pretty sure I am now going to be inundated with tales of woe about such fallings, but I still don't recall any actual event.

A rather long and probably boring tale which I shall now draw rapidly to  a close and end by saying these few words that have been heard for centuries no doubt "Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Until the next time......

Susan :)

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