Thursday, 27 September 2012

Now that Autumn is upon us.....

 We are now officially into autumn and this is normally a time when I start to go downhill fast; not like a downhill skier fast, but certainly I recognise that autumn and winter are not my best times.  There is something depressing about looking out to grey skies, rain lashed windows and having such a feeling of heaviness that it is difficult to ignore. 

It is also difficult when ones beautifully straightened hair gets wet because of the rain that is coming down in stair rods, which certainly wasn't happening when one went out. My hair is straightened for a reason and to know that as it dries it will kink and wave and look like a bird has taken nest in it is not a great feeling.  This exact thing happened to me after church and my only saving grace was that I knew no one would see it once safely indoors. Unfortunately it was drizzling this morning when I went out but I did have the foresight to have my umbrella with me.  I guess the moral of this story is always have an umbrella handy; I always carry a brolly, except that I forgot to put it in my bag that I was using.

 Is it just me that seems to have such annoying lapses of memory? Not sure what I can put it down to; a senior moment perhaps (except that I don't think I am that senior), or overloaded with all the things that I have to remember to take with me on any given occasion, how about I was interupted and lost my train of thought (unless someone rings me I can't use that one as much of an excuse).  Maybe I can liken it to being in a trance and do everything on auto pilot insomuch that I think I have done it.  I was talking to someone only the other day (and if I could only remember who it was it would be a good start) about the one thing I would have to take if I ever went away from home for a night or more - and that is my straighteners.  You would never believe that my hair used to be dead straight.  It has obviously undergone some genetic mutation; perhaps I have been carried off by aliens and this is the end result, or maybe just the beginning and I will end up looking like E.T.; or perhaps I just have an over active imagination and my hair has always been wavy but when  it was long it didn't notice, and when it was very short it didn't notice either.  Maybe I am just making a mountain out of a molehill........

I have suddenly realised that I haven't seen much change in the colour of leaves yet.  It wouldn't surprise me if the beautiful colours will disappear under a blanket of rain and winds and thus fall (no pun intended here) before we even have a chance to appreciate their beauty.  That is the only thing I like about autumn; the majesty of a tree as it turns from green to vibrant reds, yellows and all hues in between. How anyone can say that God did not have a hand in this is, quite frankly, beyond my ken. Still, maybe I am being unduly pessimistic - and seeing as I am supposed to be the glass half full girl, I will temper those thoughts with the knowledge that autumn looks beautiful and I do love hearing the crunch of leaves under my feet, and being able to kick the multi coloured leaves into a swirling mass around my ankles as I wade through them.  Can't say that I like the fallen leaves when they turn into a soggy, slippery slime, but one can't have everything!

That's all for this blog. I am seriously lacking in events happening in my life right now; I think I need to get out more!  But fear not ( or maybe you should depending which way you look at it), I SHALL return - just not sure when.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment as I love to hear from you all.

Just a little thought to ponder on over your cuppa:
We are only limited by our own thoughts.

I used this recently on my facebook page and it is so simple, yet so many of us struggle through life because of what we believe to be true about ourselves.

Take care until next time for more of the same - if you can endure it that is! :)



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