I trundled off to the solicitor the other day and on exiting I thought I would take a shorter, and quicker, way home. What a mistake that turned out to be. I discovered that the work that has been ongoing in my town centre for months, has finally moved up several yards, which meant that instead of crossing the road where I intended, I was forced to continue on for such a time that I actually ended up in the middle of the town - and the shops! It was at this point that I decided that, seeing as I was now somewhere I hadn't thought I would be, I might as well do some shopping. Upshot of all that is I spent money! I am sure that the town centre initiative did it purposely to make me spend, and on things that I could have well done without - like the scones that I bought for my lunch! Mind you I did buy a much cheaper diary than I managed to get last year, so that was a bonus I suppose. (Just in case you are wondering - I have a mid year diary as I started my business in June.) Shocking pink and shiny, so not very professional, but much less cumbersome than this years which to be honest was a bit of a mistake as I ordered it on line and didn't realise that it was MASSIVE until I got it! Looking on the bright side though, at least it has been hard to lose!
These last few weeks I have been plagued by the complete inefficiency of banks and mortgage lenders. Since I am the executor of my late father's estate (with one of my sisters) it has fallen to me to deal with most of the financial paperwork. What should have been an easy task (albeit a tad distressing), turned into a fight that would have sent a lesser mortal into fits of despair and floods of tears. I am made of much sterner stuff it would seem, as I received a letter from the mortgage provider telling me that I couldn't have the balance as I did not have the adequate authority, not withstanding that I had actually taken both the will and the death certificate into the local office. With the banks I encountered another wall of incompetence and insensitivity. I asked for balances and was told that I had to wait for them "because it is the process". I didn't even get a "I'm sorry for your loss" from the totally unsympathetic girl on the other end of the phone. I am keeping notes and will be writing to all the parties concerned in order to express my disappointment at the terrible service that I have received. It will not only make me feel better, but if it means that they change their training to ensure that others do not have to be treated as I have been, then it will have been worth it. Of course, if any of them offer me some sort of remuneration for all the angst that I have been subjected to, not to mention the time taken out of my days, then I will be happy to accept it!
Ever heard of the old adage "Cast ne'er a clout 'til May is out"? A regional variation of this means that one should not change into summer clothes until the beginning of June (there is often a cold snap before the end of May) whilst the May that is being talked about is, I think, hawthorn blossom. I work facing my window, so I see lots of different things going on, and going by, as I sit there. Today the sun is shining, the sky is blue and there is a great big white fluffy cloud hovering over the tree opposite. You can bet your boots that it is not as warm out as it looks, and yet I see people walking past in tee shirts and no coats as if we are in the middle of a heatwave. I wonder why a little bit of sunshine makes us all go completely crazy? Well, actually, not all of us, because I still go out in my three in one jacket, and have it done up! I guess you could say that I am not the warmest person on the planet - but hey, someone has to be the one that is always cold. Don't tell anyone, but I still have my heating on......
Must dash now as I have visitors coming. Catch up will you all soon and will post another little gem about positive thinking too.
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