Saturday, 10 March 2012

So much to do.....

The last five weeks have not been good to me.  I caught some sort of virus at the end of January and that was that! It started with a severe sore throat; that disappeared after a week but took my voice with it. I was left alternating between an octave lower than usual (and I think my voice is very low anyway!) and a "Mickey Mouse" squeak.  Of course, I suspect that it was good news for some people, but it did nothing for my equilibrium. When my voice came back I ended up with a cough. And on top of all that I had odd days when I was convinced that I had a cold and yet the next day I didn't have any symptoms of one whatsoever. The annoying thing about all this is that since I decided to get healthy and change my life, I haven't had much more than the occasional sniffle.  I guess that it is my own fault for becoming too blase and comfortable with my lot, thinking that It wouldn't happen to me.  Well it did and I really didn't like it! I am only just beginning to feel a bit more like my old self, but I know that I am a tad stressed - and that only makes matters worse.  My father has been poorly of late and that hasn't helped the situation; what with trying to keep body and soul together and visit with him, I can understand why I succumbed for so long for something that should have been gone in a few days.

Last week the postman couldn't deliver a parcel to me as I was out and it wouldn't fit in the letterbox, so I had to traipse all the way to the sorting office to collect it. It was hardly a chore as it is only five minutes walk away (until it decides to move three miles away - how very inconsiderate of Royal Mail!) but it was inconvenient.  Don't ask me now what it was as I haven't got the foggiest idea.....ah, it has just come back to me - it was something someone asked me to deliver to her relative.  But what I was going to say is that I rarely have parcels (collective sigh here please folks!) and when I returned home this afternoon, the postman had tried to deliver another parcel that was too big. So now I have to wander off to the sorting office again in order to retrieve it.  I think I know what this parcel is but it could be some kind soul sending me a present as a surprise. I accept all gifts, large or small, if anyone is feeling charitable.....

The next day.... I feel ever so slightly virtuous!  I was out this morning at seven to go and get my parcel from the sorting office, and whilst out I popped down to the bank to grab a balance from the A.T.M., delivered a letter to said bank and went into the Tesco that opens at six to buy a loaf of bread.  I came home and made a sandwich and that is where the trouble started.  When I ate the sandwich a little later, I really didn't enjoy it at all; although I should have done because it was cheese and pickle made with the nice farmhouse bread that I had bought.  I shan't go into details here, but suffice to say that by the afternoon I was feeling sick; by the evening I was sick and I was in pain for several hours. Forty eight hours later and although I feel much better, I am as weak as a kitten, not having eaten for the whole two days and able only to have sips of water because my stomach went into painful spasm.  I would like to think that it wasn't my sandwich, but one never knows.  Of course I am looking for the sympathy vote here....

This blog is now completely out of sync, but hey! What does it matter that it is a bit all over the place?  Just like me really.

Today is a new day.  Having slept for long periods over the last few days I felt well enough to go and do my weekly food shop. Not sure that was a very good idea as it really took it out of me.  Not to mention that the smell of food made me feel nauseous!  However I made it home all in one piece and I decided that I was going to buy something that I really like, rather than what I should be eating.  I had a great time eating a packet of crisps and a lovely jam doughnut!  And I am happy to say that I feel none the worse for it.  I am going to have to go back to bed though; I am completely jiggered and not really fit for anything now except a lovely long sleep.

It is now tomorrow and I must just tell you this before I go!  I was out this morning and got back home to discover - wait for it! - another "sorry you were out" card from Royal Mail!  I really don't believe it. I NEVER, EVER (well so rarely that it is hardly worth mentioning) have parcels and now I have three in as many weeks. What on earth is going on?  Don't get me wrong, I love having parcels, but not all at once and certainly not when I am out! Not only that but there are other flats in my building - did none of them want to take my parcel in?  I take in for them.... :(  It certainly will be a surprise this time as I have absolutely no idea who this parcel is from or what is in it; although I am somewhat concerned as the postman has marked that it is a "perishable item".  Seeing as today is Saturday and I cannot pick it up until Monday morning, I have visions of rotten fruit or wilting flowers. But then I have always had an over active imagination - and a lack of patience. But I guess that I shall just have to wait and see come Monday; and if it is anything exciting I will certainly add a P.S. to this blog and let you all know.  Just in case you are wondering of course....

That's it for now except to give you a little thought to keep you going, or start you thinking.

Any behaviour can be learnt.  So if you are always feeling "down in the dumps", you can learn how to be happy more often than not. You are what you think; so think positive, look on the bright side and get out into the fresh air to let God's creation work its miracles. It isn't always easy, but telling yourself that you are happy and putting a smile  on your face will do more good than you could ever imagine. And don't forget that often the food that you eat can be a deciding factor in your mood.

See you again soon.....

Susan xx :)

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