Wednesday, 6 April 2011


There was I saying that spring had finally sprung, when the weather calls me a liar and it is dreadfully cold, overcast and thoroughly miserable today! But it is April and some warmer weather will be on the horizon - I truly believe this, I truly believe this, I truly......

I have been looking on the internet recently for obesity support groups and I was a little disappointed, although not altogether surprised, that I couldn't find any that are support groups for people that are over weight and wanting to diet or having problems with dieting, and not going down the route of gastric surgery.  I understand that for some people surgery is the only option; but I am going to stick my head on the chopping block now and say that, in my opinion, people are going down this route as a quick fix with no true idea of the ramifications of such drastic methods.

People say that they have tried every diet in the known universe, spent thousands of pounds over the years for every fad, book or pill on the market and have still not managed to keep the weight off.  Why is this, and why is it not surprising in the least?

We all want a quick fix and usually a quick fix that is without any pain. When on a diet, we can count calories or points, eat only carbs or religiously measure our fat content every day.  This means that we can, within reason, still eat what we like.  So really, we are very robotic in our actions and our mentality.  All the time we are adhering to "the rules", the weight is staying off. When we reach our desired weight, we are elated and think that we can easily monitor our eating habits in the future.  We have learned nothing at all about why we over ate in the first place, what rubbish we have put into our bodies or the harm that it is doing to us - not necessarily in the short term.  This ultimately means that we think it is okay to eat things that are really unhealthy simply because it is within our parameters for the day or the week.

There is only one way to lose weight, and that is to eat healthily, eat well and to do exercise. If we ate healthy food we would put industries that purport to sell us, for example, "healthy, cholesterol reducing" drinks and the like, out of business. Their claims are always countered with things like "combined with a healthy diet and exercise, you can...." .  You can reduce cholesterol just by eating a healthy diet and taking exercise; you really do not have to buy expensive food and drink, no matter what they claim.  No doubt they help in some small way, but sometimes it is more to do with wishful thinking and mind over matter.

Mind over matter..... believe me when I say that what we think is what we become.  Our brain is such a wonderful thing; it never ceases to amaze me what it can do, so is it any wonder that if we can change our thinking habits we can change our eating habits too?  I heard only the other day that if you eat something regularly for three weeks or so, your brain and taste buds become accustomed to it and thus you can tolerate whatever food that you don't like.  Funnily enough, I know that affirmations work in exactly the same way, and yet, muppet that I am, I had not realised that if my brain can work with affirmations, it can surely work with food.  This is on my "to do" list as I hate vegetables and so I am going to give it a go.  But, we can do lots of things to change our feelings about food.

Sometimes a classic over-eater has challenges that live in a dark and murky past, and these have to be redressed before any weight loss can be achieved.  Some of us are comfort eaters, whilst others may just "graze" whilst watching television.  Once analysed, the habit can be attacked head on, broken down and kicked into touch.  One of the secrets is to WANT and I mean REALLY WANT to lose weight. It is no good half heartedly attacking the diet so that you can fit into your new dress for the wedding you are attending, or think that you want to be able to sit on a beach and not embarrass yourself.  Those reasons are just whims, and yes, you will lose weight, but once the occasion has passed,  I have no doubts that the weight will  creep back on again. 

Weight loss and healthy eating is a complete life style change.  It requires determination, belief in yourself and lots of motivation and encouragement from others.  How many of you would (or do) have the food delivered to you in a box every week if you could afford it?  How many would just eat the meal provided and not add any of the healthy vegetables that you have to prepare yourself?  I am not convinced that this actually helps you as, as far as I can see, it is just like the cholesterol busting drink - it works if you do everything else right too.  Even Weight Watchers are beginning to cotton on that weight loss requires much more than just eating the right stuff.

To get your head round the idea that healthy eating is not a diet takes some doing, but it is achievable.  When going to the supermarket it should be quite an easy shopping trip as we should only buy things from the aisles around the outside of the store.  This is where all the good and great stuff is - everything else is processed and not good for us in any way shape or form.  This is not to say that you cannot eat anything processed (although you would feel so much better if you didn't, but I understand the need for it on occasion), but take a look at the labels and you are shocked that the meat in some packages doesn't even come first in the list of ingredients!  And you are putting all sorts of long worded ingredients into your body that was never intended to be used in such a way.  Couple that with the amount of extra sugars and fats, not to mention salt, that companies add to processed food to give it a better taste or longer shelf life, and you can see that we are all on a slippery slope, and one that will not go away soon.

Learn to live healthily and well; encourage others in the family to eat better too and you will see an improvement in your physical health and your mental health as well.  Not eating enough of the right nutrients or vitamins, protein or carbs or whatever fancy names we like to call food, will make you feel sluggish and look tired too.  Good eating  and enough of the right foods (how many dieters try to sustain their bodies on one meal and a couple of snacks a day?) will make you feel good and look good too.  You may laugh when I say that we talk about "bright eyed and bushy tailed" pets, but that is what you can expect (well not quite the bushy tail, but certainly more spring in your step!) when you turn away from the stodge, the sugar and the downright unhealthy, and embrace healthy eating and healthy living as a way of life.  The best part is that you don't have to give up everything you love to eat, but have it as a treat instead of a once a night ritual.  You will feel better for the change, the weight will stay off and who knows what will happen to you then.

Think about it; decide to become a more healthy person and banish the yo yo dieting or plod along in the same way and end up being over weight and miserable at the same time.  Your choice, but I would love to know what you think.

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